Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Rainy Day in the last week of summer...

It's raining today. 
The first signs of fall are starting to appear. 
And why not? Saturday September 22 is the first official day of autumn…but let's hope the summer temps and sunshine stay for a long time still!


  Oakleaf Hydrangea

Alchemilla mollis

Lisianthus (Prairie Rose)


Japanese Golden Grass

Viburnum burkwoodii


Shrub rose


Scabiosa (Pin cushion flower)

Gerbera Daisies


Spruce tree

Rose 'The Fairy'

Sedum 'Autumn Joy'


  1. Still plenty great plants in your garden Astrid. I have been seeing more of this Oakleaf Hydrangea recently and am keen to give it a try. Your Gerbera is still looking very healthy, I have seen some in the garden centres described as being fully hardy, I have my doubts though.

  2. Hello Alistair
    The oakleaf hydrangea that I have is quite big - 8' x 8' - but my friend just bought a miniature one. Hopefully you would still get those neat cone shaped flowers on it.
    Its colour in the fall is spectacular. I will photograph it when the leaves start to turn.

  3. Very pretty photographs. I love the Fairy rose.

  4. Welcome Mac!
    Yes, 'The Fairy' rose is one of the most dependable little shrubs I have. Blooms beautifully in June and without any pruning, all over again in September/October. I just love it!
    Thanks for stopping by.

  5. Astrid, are caladium and pelargonium your houseplants?
    the Fairy rose is very nice, I love it!

  6. Hi Nadezda
    Caladium can be a house plant but it's fine here in the summer. It will not overwinter, though. Neither will a pelargonium (common name = geranium). I have tried to bring these in over the winter but they dry out and never bloom next year.
    You and I both love 'The Fairy' rose and mine is loaded with blooms again now. Is yours?

  7. Astrid, sensational photographs! Two things jump out at me as I admire your garden from afar. Lisianthus- one of my all time favorites, and Viburnum Burkwoodii- a plant I was recently introduced to at the garden center. I love its shiny foliage. Looks like you are set for a wonderful autumn.

  8. Mario - how nice to hear from you!! I guess your summer in the garden centre made you hunger for thousands of new wonderful plants (that you probably have no room for!)
    I'm enjoying this change in weather and plants and have become a photography maniac! Lucky plants don't have a "bad side" :)

  9. Beautiful photos! You still have a lot going on in your garden. Today i notice more trees developing fall colors, earlier than usual for us. And tonight the temperature should drop lower than it has since early spring!

  10. Hi Deb
    This really is a wonderful time of the year. It's cool and crisp outside. The garden is getting lovely in a different sort of way. In the spring it's all fresh and lime green, then in summer that sedate green. Now it's a dark green with lots of shadows around. I still see photo-op after photo-op.

  11. Hi Astrid, Thank goodness for these fall rains, eh! I don't think we can complain about fall this year. So far we have had a nice balance of rain and sun.
    Like you, I have a smattering of flowers here and there. I am very disappointed with my sedum "Autumn Joy". It has flopped down and I wish now I had pinched the plants back a third in early June.

  12. Hi Jennifer
    Are your sedum in full sun? Sometimes that's the issue. Or sometimes they are just older and too full of water, so they flop.
    Today is especially gorgeous. Went out and shot a bunch of Early Fall photos. Will probably post soon.
    Yes - maybe fall will be lovelier and more comfortable than summer!!
