Monday, October 22, 2012

A Lovely Autumn Morning

Today is one of those famous Ontario fall mornings: crisp temperatures, sunny skies and soft winds. It is SO NICE OUTSIDE!!! Time to grab the camera and do a little photo shoot….

The Monkshood has finally made an appearance!!

One single David Austin rose still wants to bloom.

Pictures cannot do justice to the Pin Oak in sunlight…

The Linden tree is beautifully yellow. ( Don't worry Dear Readers - although we are of strong Nordic stock, we are NOT still swimming in the pool at this point! Brrrr!! We'll close it soon…)

The urns are a bit of a mish-mash of leftover summer "spillers" and autumn branches and grasses

The street looks great too.

The grown-from-seed ornamental kale has come into its own.

And the plumes of the Miscanthus grass are a soft purple………..


  1. AStrid, your garden is so colorful this fall. Red sedum and blue aconites, nice vase with red flowers and gray grass miscantus, dark red leaves of bushes, maple .......

  2. Hi Nadezda
    I love your new profile picture!!!
    Yes, the garden is very colourful now - I'm enjoying every minute of it!!

  3. Love the beautiful colors of your fall garden. Just lovely Astrid...thank you for sharing!

  4. Thanks Lee!
    We must enjoy these great autumn colours now - next week is November already and soon the leaves will all be gone :(

  5. We did have a perfect fall day early this week- warm and sunny- a bit surreal, but wonderful. It felt like spring was back again. I did go out into the garden to enjoy a bit of it.
    How quickly the leaves are coming down with the wind and the rain! I wish the fall colors would be around for just a bit more. I still have some bulbs to plant. More warm days would be appreciated!
    Thanks for recommending the PML show home. I did manage to go down to there earlier this month. It was nicely done, although I would have liked it to be a little less safe and beige. Enjoy the rest of the weekend Astrid.

  6. Hi Jennifer
    Now they are predicting rain for a week! Ugh!! I have so much to do outside. Oh well - let's hope for a respite by next weekend.
    PML show home - I liked "less safe and beige". :)
    Raining now - so I'm gonna shop online for Christmas presents…..

  7. Your pin oak is magnificent! We have a variety of oaks, including pin, but they are just now beginning to assume fall coloration. Your Linden is also fabulous, as well as your burning bush. Your fall garden really is gorgeous; I hope you can enjoy it a bit longer before your winter arrives!

  8. Hi Deb
    Thanks! I love the autumn colours around here!! The leaves are still hanging on despite lots of wind and rain.
    It's also great to be able to enjoy the trees now that they are a mature size.

  9. Yep, all captured perfectly on a beautiful day,looks like you also live in a great neighbourhood Astrid.

  10. Hi Alistair
    It is a very nice spot and now that the neighbourhood's matured over the 24 years ( we are original owners), it's really lovely. And I'm really lucky that all the neighbours are wonderful too.

  11. Hi!
    I nominated your blog on ‘Beautiful Blogger Award’!
    You can find your Award here:
