Saturday, January 12, 2013

Garden Art

Here in Ontario it's unseasonably warm today - +13C! I think we broke a record. All the snow has melted for now…until the next big storm comes in from the American Midwest or East. If you feel the urge to get "out there", go for it!!

But for most of us, it will still be an indoor day. I've always said that winter is a great time for planning. Bloggers are used to taking pictures of their gardens but beginner gardeners should also consider this as an excellent form of records keeping.

Without foliage or snow, it's easy to see bare areas of garden beds, especially if you do not cut down your perennials for winter. Could a small statue or birdbath add interest for next spring and summer? If your property is big, perhaps it's time to invest in a bigger sculptural piece that would provide a major focal point.

Where can you find garden art? These days you can shop online, at local garden centres and nurseries, on Kijiji and e-Bay. Local artisan tours could provide interesting and unusual pieces as well.

Here are some of my own garden sculptures as well as interesting shots of garden art I have taken over the years.

When I was searching for my first "quality" garden sculpture, a friend recommended that I try a small garden centre just outside of Kitchener. I had great luck!
When I first stopped by, I found a lovely statue of a little girl feeding birds from seeds in her apron. The tag said her name was "Elaine". She has remained for 20 something years in a border near the deck. She looks great in summer and winter, and since I placed her on a stone slab, she has never cracked or broken, even though she remains outside every winter.

Next season I went back and found a delightful rabbit and fish. I do lug these guys into the garage each fall, because I would hate it if they cracked.

Somehow statues of herons always look graceful and distinctive in the garden. The first 2 birds are from a wonderful store on Prince Edward Island called the Dunes and the gold ones are in my friend Sheila's garden.

My neighbour has put a large clock on display as well some formal white columns at the back of the garden.

Sheila has a wonderful lady with "interesting" hair!

….as well as a very elegant moss-y Lady near the front entrance

Some statuary is downright scary!

Not all art has to be vertical statues. Decorative Tiles are very interesting.

And if your property is vast, emphasize the point with a large……wolf!


  1. AStrid, I love when you tell about design in a garden. I think the garden sculpture is a part in design. The girl with seeds is wonderful, very talented work!

  2. Hi Nadezda
    Garden design has always fascinated me - it's so complex, yet sometimes pretty simple. I will attempt to post about design as often as I can.

  3. Garden art can be just what a garden needs for accent or playfulness. I really like that first heron! He is perfectly sited in front of the pink flowers. He looks real!

  4. You do have some beautiful sculptures! I especially enjoyed the "Elaine" statue. I have a friend named Elaine who is an avid gardener, so it made me think of her. You've inspired me to add more statuary to my garden. Thanks!

  5. Love your girl with the apron, I wish I had a garden big enough for statues! You know, the bed where you have your girl is probably same size as my entire garden!
    Instead I have now gone for garden 'garden jewellery', which you might have noticed when you visited my last post. They are small enough to fit around my plants but still big enough to be noticed, especially at this time of year when the beds are more empty.
    But I'd love a sculpture, a nice Greek god would be great!

  6. I especially like your mossy lady and the other sculptures, they are wonderful......and I agree photography is a great way to look back and see progress and change:~))

  7. Hi Deb
    Put Prince Edward Island on your travel bucket list and go see the Dunes for yourself. Wonderful vacation spot. The store features lots of incredible garden art plus so much more.

    Hi PlantPostings
    Thanks for dropping by! I will always love my Elaine and am glad she had a real People name when I bought her. She's very dear.

    Hello Helene
    I loved your garden jewellery. I misread your last sentence and thought you'd love having a (real) Greek God! Wouldn't we all :)

    Hello Foxglove Lane
    I'll tell my friend you like her "mossy lady". Her property is huge so each spring when I visit, she introduces me to yet another new garden sculpture. Even though I rarely comment on your blog, just wanted you to know you are among my auto-reads and your photography is among the best I've seen.

  8. Some very nice examples of garden art Astrid! The wolf you ended with is quite something. I don't think I'd dare step on that lawn. There is a definite underlying message in that art.
