Monday, April 15, 2013

Garden Blogger's Bloom Day April 15 2013

Many gardeners were lucky enough to have spring blooms last month but we still had chilly temperatures and snow here in Southern Ontario.
It's still unseasonably cold but bulbs and shrubs have started to bloom. There aren't too many in flower yet but I'm enjoying the few I have!


Cobalt blue Iris reticulata

Purple and pale blue Iris reticulata


White crocus

Hellebore 'Winter Queen'

Early tulip 'Red Riding Hood'

Garden Blogger's Bloom Day is a Meme created by May Dreams Gardens 
Gardeners post images of what's blooming in their garden on the 15th day of every month. All are welcome to participate.

Also, please check out my recipe blog Astrid's Home - the latest posts have been Jamie Oliver's Spicy Cajun Chicken with Sweet Potato Mash as well as Slow Cooker Honey Garlic Ribs.


  1. Beautiful early spring blooms there Astrid. I hope your weather warms up soon. Those little red riding hood tulips are sweet. I lost some in flooding last year but noticed a couple have just popped up in the front garden - although I can't remember planting them there!!
    Happy Bloom Day!

  2. Love your spring blooms Astrid...especially the pussy willow and beautiful colors of the iris. Looks like spring has arrived!

  3. Happy cheerful spring blooms you have there. I especially like the purple and blue iris together - such intense color!

  4. The cobalt iris is very fetching and I am sure quite eye catching compared with the drab colours of this late spring.

  5. Hi Angie
    Red Riding Hood is one of the brightest red tulips besides Darwin. Glad you liked it!

    Hi Lee
    We've all been hoping…and I think Spring is finally here!

    Hi Spurge
    I should probably add the yellow Iris danfordiae to round things out. What do you think?

    Hi Patty
    We are not the only ones having a late Spring but I'm glad we finally have some colour.

  6. Hello Astrid, Thank you for stopping by my blog! It's a treat to find yours :) I am admiring your mini iris, wonderful jewel toned colors! It has been quite cold for you but I suspect in a months time, you'll be on color overload with everything blooming at once! Happy GBBD! Cheers, Jenni

  7. Astrid, we have similar taste in plants, but I think you are more brave than I am. I really try to restrain the color in my garden and then I see yours and wish I could place your plants in mine!! The pussywillows are so nice. I had a guy come into the garden center and ask if we sold them. We do not and I think they must be hard to fine as I don't know anyone near me who sell them. Happy Spring!!

  8. Hi Jenni
    Thanks for stopping by! GBBD is a great way to meet new gardeners. You are right - by mid-May, things will really be popping around here. I spent the whole day transplanting perennials. It was so nice to be out in warmth and sun.

    Hi Mario
    You're right! I do like colour but monochromatic schemes are very soothing and calming. Some sections of my garden are like that.
    Your garden centre is correct to NOT sell Salix vulgaris (pussywillows). They are horrible weedy shrubs that only have one good time of year and it's now. We hack ours down with a chainsaw every few years and they come back stronger than ever. But they were the only things that would grow along my neighbour's fence so we could all have some privacy. Anyway - they are very nice now so I do enjoy them.

  9. Astrid, how lovely to see your blooming garden!
    There are many spring flowers, I love these Iris reticulata.
    I see the spring in your place is full swing.
    Happy gardening!

  10. Hi Nadezda
    Yesterday was warm and sunny, today still warm but rainy. I have to be satisfied with the old rhyme: April showers bring May flowers. I'll garden again tomorrow.

  11. Hi Astrid, The Reticulata have stunning colour. We also don't have so very much in bloom, but like yourself enjoying seeing the garden start to come to life again.

  12. Hi Alistair
    Weather was good enough to be in the garden all day today! Raking, cleaning up - the more physical jobs of spring. But then when a bed is tidy and neat, there's such a great feeling of satisfaction!
    Post pix on your blog, as to what's blooming in your garden.

  13. Hi Astrid, how nice to see your spring flowers coming along, I loved your Iris reticulata in different colours, I haven't seen them in purple before, something for my wish list I think :-)
    Have a great week-end, take care, Helene.

  14. Hi Helene
    Yes, spring arrives at least once a week but then its Evil Step Sister - Winter - keeps showing up as well.
    Case in point: Sunny and dry Saturday but high of only 3C. Today it's 20C!!

  15. I was feeling hopeful that spring had settled in, but today we have snow flurries. I think we may well go from cold to hot with no slow spring warmup. Your little irises are so pretty. I did not plant any new iris and am rather sorry it didn't. Have a great weekend Astrid!

  16. Hi Jennifer
    I know - I opened the blinds this morning and there a mini-blizzard outside. Honestly - stop already!
    I didn't even go out today but I will put on my woollies and attempt a few things tomorrow. Monday is supposed to be high 13C.
    Have a great weekend yourself!

  17. Your iris are so lovely! After such a long winter, you must be thrilled to see such beautiful spring blooms! I hope the cold weather is truly winding down and spring is here to stay for you.

  18. Hi Deb
    Flowers are slowly starting to emerge so I have great HOPE!!
