Sunday, May 5, 2013

Guess who got a MICRO LENS????

Ever since I started following a number of garden blogs that feature fantastic photography, it has made me want to be able to photograph really up close like they do. So I saved my pennies and bought myself a micro lens - I am so excited! I have to learn literally everything about it but I couldn't help "taking it out for a spin" this evening.

Viburnum x burkwoodii


Red Twig Dogwood




Climbing Hydrangea

Pretty cool, eh? Now - bring on the bugs and bees!!

Please check out my recipe blog - last post was Guinness-braised Short Ribs.


  1. Astrid,
    you have a great success in the photography!
    I think you have saved a lot of pennies: your camera is quite expensive because the lenses are very good.
    I love the micros of magnolia, forsythia and dogwood, wonderful!

  2. Hi Nadezda
    Thank you! I think it will be worth the money.

  3. Welcome Sharon!
    Nature certainly is showy and what better way to capture that than close up!
    Took a look at your blog and glad all we have is bunnies in the backyard - not panthers! Yikes!!

  4. Wow, beginners luck? Great photos Astrid. I guess a micro lens is a teeny tiny stand alone lens to attach to the camera?

  5. Thanks Patty!
    The lens actually looks like my regular lens but I can get as close as 6" to a subject and it will still focus. The other one won't.
    Hope you are enjoying this great Burlington gardening weather!

  6. Well aren't you having fun Astrid! You did a great job with your first attempt at using your new macro lens. I have always wanted to get one myself, but I am still saving up those pennies. Maybe one day...

  7. Hi Jennifer
    I certainly am having fun! I have coveted this type of lens since last summer but Santa mustn't have heard me at Christmas so I had to buy one myself. I can just see myself juggling 2 lenses on the garden tours in June.
    You are able to get fabulous close-ups for your blog photos - I thought for sure that you had a macro lens.

  8. Congratulations! So happy for you, as you know, Santa didn't bring me a macro lens either, so I had to buy those screw-on lenses as that was the only ones I could afford :-)

    How lovely your forsythias are, magnificent! And your close-ups are great, loved the magnolia. By the way, I didn’t get any flowers on my ‘heavenly scent’, all the buds are out now, they were only leaves, so have to wait a whole year now to see and smell the flowers.

  9. Hi Helene
    Sorry to hear about Heaven Scent, but hopefully next year. Maybe when it realizes it has "come HOME" it will bloom beautifully every spring.

  10. You've taken some beautiful photos with your new lens. I love the close up of the Magnolia especially.

  11. Welcome Paula!
    Thanks - I'm surprised how well that magnolia picture came out. Watch me not be able to replicate it - ha ha!
    I just checked your site and your garden is lovely! I especially liked the line: "…my garden will look like a churchyard after a wedding, with hawthorn confetti."
    :) That's what's happening now with our magnolia. But the "confetti" is much larger. Not nearly as pretty.
    Thanks for stopping by.
