Sunday, June 2, 2013

Early June Walk-about

I went for a walk around the front and back yards this morning and there's so much is in bloom! I just couldn't wait until GBBD on the 15th, so I'll show you some of the blossoms now.

It's true that raindrops on Ladies Mantle shine like diamonds in the sun.

A delicate white Columbine is close to a new, smaller "not-planted-by-me " neighbour!!

The Slender Deutzia bush is in full bloom under the Magnolia tree.

The peonies are starting to open.

 The perennial Bachelor's Buttons (Centaurea montana) are in full bloom.

Here is a wild columbine Aquilegia canadensis

My Weigela is starting to bloom.

And my herb pots are planted: thyme, rosemary, parsley and chives.

Speaking of herbs and food, check out my recipe blog! Latest post is Cajun Scallops with Roasted Red Pepper Pesto.


  1. I enjoyed the walkabout! The perennial Bachelor Buttons are fascinating. By the way, regarding my little Whitewater redbud tree: Yes, I understand the handful of flowers that appeared on the bare branches is all I will see this year. They were larger and brighter than the wild species I am familiar with, and I am excited to see what the tree will look like when it matures a bit.

  2. Hi Deb
    The Bachelor Buttons can be weedy but now the perennials beds are so full, their die back is hard to see. Good!
    I, too, will wait to see how your little tree progresses over the years.

  3. I love the delicate white columbine. I wonder if it seeds about as freely as the wild one? I see your peonies are opening, mine are still buds but getting closer.

  4. Astrid, your garden is pretty, especially I love Aquilegia canadensis, this year I have no them and have sown new once.
    Also the peonies are blooming! Can't wait when mine start to flower.
    Happy gardening!

  5. Hi Patty
    It's funny you should say that about the Columbine. I have this "different" one that popped up right in front of my long-standing reliable white one. The new one is white as well but has smaller heads and is frilly! Is it a "mutant"? Who knows!

    Hi Nadezda
    Saw your lovely rhodos - that's one thing i do not have. They are exquisite! And hooray for the peonies - here they come!!

  6. So pretty - the deutzia looks as if it strung with pearls!

  7. Astrid, thanks for the trip around your garden, loved your peonies! By the way, I see many of you with peonies already in flower don't seem to stake them, don’t you need to? My peonies are horizontal or even touching the ground by the time the flowers open if I don’t support each stem with a bamboo cane all the way up to the flower head, a bit annoying as I would have liked not to see all the canes, but so necessary. Perhaps it depends on what type of peony you have? Or the age of your peony? Mine came with the house and is probably at least 30 years old, perhaps much older. I am still waiting for my peony to flower, it got fat buds but is several weeks away from flowering.

    I also loved your Aquilegia, it is on my wish-list for next year :-)

  8. Hi Spurge
    Strung with pearls - what a lovely analogy! Slender Deutzia is a gorgeous bush and in full bloom right now.

    Hi Helene
    Don't I support my peonies? Yes absolutely except when I am rushed or lazy. This year I am rushed. I have 2 weeks left to spit polish the garden. I am hosting numerous tours at the end of the month. I knew the peonies would have bloomed and be done by then so I just didn't bother supporting them this year. Usually I attach a wire between to thick pieces of wood and that holds them up.
