Saturday, June 15, 2013

Garden Blogger's Bloom Day June 2013

June is the easiest month for taking Garden Blogger Bloom Day pictures! So much is in bloom - just walk and shoot!
Here's what's blooming in my garden today:

I grew Sweet William (Dianthus barbatus) from seed last summer. They formed good sized clumps and this summer they are in full bloom.

Feverfew (Tanacetum parnitheum) have seeded themselves ALL over the place this spring.

Even though I added lots of manure, my Siberian Iris were stunning but minimal in numbers.

I neglected to prune back this shrub rose in April and it's grown as big as a tree! Very pretty single pale pink blooms all over it.

I thought I had lost this little Darling. Thank goodness it's back! It's a Himalayan Cinquefoil (Potentilla argyrophylla var. atrosanguinea), a wonderful small clump with silvery leaves and a bright scarlet-red flower.

Here is my Explorer Rose - John Cabot - shining bright red in the midst of Red Twig Dogwood

The Rugosa Rose is blooming in deep pink glory

The Gas Plant (Dictamnus alba) and Yellow loosestrife (Lysimachia punctata) look lovely as we head down the path through the arbour.

My David Austin Rose 'Mary' reaches for the sun but still blooms amazingly well in fairly deep shade.

3 Weigela bushes are blooming deep pink. I was trying to catch a bee poking its nose into the bloom but it was too quick for me to photograph.

Sweet Cicely (Myrrhis odorata) has a delicious vanilla scent

And due to cool temperatures and plenty of rain, the peonies are still going strong (Look Helene - I DID tie them up. I felt sorry for them and decided to take better care of one of my favourite flowers).

Garden Blogger's Bloom Day is a Meme created by May Dreams Garden
Gardeners post images of what's blooming in their garden on the 15th day of every month. All are welcome to participate.

Also, please check out my recipe blog Astrid's Home - the latest post is Pork and Apricot Salad.


  1. Hi Astrid. My you have alot going on in your garden. I hope you're enjoying your spring. So many wonderful things happening in your garden. The Tanacetum parnitheum really stands out. It's so cute. Happy GBBD!

  2. Thanks for the lovely tour of your garden Astrid, so many pretty flowers! Do you use strings to tie up your peonies? Mine are very tall and do a u-bend long before they start to even open up so I need to stake each stalk individually - not pretty, but really necessary. Your peonies sure look lovely, I like double peonies best.
    Also loved your bed of Dianthus, and the Dictamnus alba, that was a new one for me. Happy GBBD!

  3. Hi Mario
    Happy GBBD to you too! Yes, the garden is looking amazing. I am hosting garden tours next week so it's got to be in tip top shape.

    Hi Helene
    Thank you! Usually I use wire for the peonies but I was in a hurry and just to keep them up, I used a heavy twine this year.
    My goodness! Staking them stem by stem is a lot of work! Good for you! The gas plant is a treat every time it appears.

  4. Astrid,
    your garden is nice in this blooming day!
    Great photos, especially I love peonies. Mine are in buds and the white one opens. The Dianthus barbatus I love to touch, they are as velvet, nice color.I forgot to sow Dianthus last summer and now I have no these flowers, pity!
    Have a nice week!

  5. Hi Nadezda
    The Sweet William were very easy to grow from seed but I knew last year there would be no flowers (because they are bi-annual) but this year - wow! Lots of flowers and they are lovely.

  6. Lovely photos! It really is a wonderful time in your garden. I also enjoyed your previous post on ground covers!

  7. June is an easy month for GBBD. There is always lots in flower. Interesting to read that your Mary Rose does okay in some shade. I never plant roses in the backyard because I worry about too much shade. Maybe I should take a leap of faith and try one or two.

  8. Lovely photos and magical light. We have a Bloomsday in Ireland in June but it refers to Leopold Bloom a character from James Joyce novel......just a bit of useless trivia....:~))

  9. Hi Jennifer
    The Mary rose does get about 4 hours of hot sunlight but then goes into very deep shade. I guess that's enough for it. And yes - so much to see and photograph in June!

    Hello Catherine
    I love your trivia! Thanks for stopping by - every entry in your blog is a pure joy

  10. Astrid, great stuff going on in your garden for bloom day.

  11. Hi Alistair
    You're right! It's so easy to find plants in bloom in June.
    Considering we had a cold, rainy spring, some plants (like peonies) are still in bloom when they are usually long gone by now!

  12. I just love those blooms on your shrub rose. So dainty and pretty! June is a great month - your garden looks lovely! So many pretty blooms!

  13. Hi Indie
    I'm enjoying the wealth of blooms now! The shrub rose you like has already lost most of its flowers, but there will soon be a ton of rose hips in their place :)
    Thanks for stopping by
