Monday, July 15, 2013

Garden Blogger's Bloom Day July 2013

Some lovely plants are in bloom today although my garden is in a transitory state at the moment - much of the lush gorgeous June blooms have faded but the next set of deep summer blooms have yet to appear.

Having said that, please take a look at some the pretty ones that are showing off today:

The Oak Leaf Hydrangea at the front door is in full bloom

Climbing rose 'New Dawn' is producing abundant blooms

New red shrub rose is blooming nicely in light shade

The white shrub rose by the deck has its lovely apricot buds and white blossoms

Chinese Astilbe has deep fuchsia flowers that appear "fuzzy"

A number of snowball hydrangeas are in bloom

The daylilies are scrumptious!! All kinds of gorgeous hues and colours.

Most of my hostas, small and large, are in bloom. One is fabulously fragrant.

This delightful dainty Clematis is still clambouring all through the pussywillow branches

The first Rudbeckias opened today - good timing!

Daisies are everywhere

 I know it's a weed but Harebell looks great in most of the borders where it's self seeded itself.

'The Fairy' never disappoints and this year it's just gone wild.

A few lilies have made an appearance but are floppy and needed staking.

Last but not least, the white Lisianthus (Prairie Rose) from the local Farmer's Market are in bloom. Soon the deep purple/blue ones will be as well.

Garden Blogger's Bloom Day is a Meme created by May Dreams Garden
Gardeners post images of what's blooming in their garden on the 15th day of every month. All are welcome to participate.

Also, please check out my recipe blog Astrid's Home - the latest post is Devilled Eggs


  1. Hi, Astrid,
    your hydrangeas are stunning! I can't wait mine. The daylilies are nice, especially the cream one. I love your shot with daisies and blue salvias (?).
    Pretty GBBD!

  2. Astrid-your Oakleaf Hydrangea are magnificent and I love the ruffled lilies-so pretty. Your gardens are looking wonderful in July! I always enjoy visiting!

  3. Thanks for the stroll around your lovely garden! Loved the daylilies, I keep reminding myself that I want many more of them, this autumn I really will buy some more! Lisianthus is a new one for me, do you grow them as annuals? Do you buy them as small plants or grow them from seeds? I did a quick search and it doesn’t seem to be a plant ready available over here, but it might be the wrong time for it.

    Your oakleaf hydrangea is gorgeous!

  4. Hi Nadezda
    Thanks! The blue flower is a weed called Harebell. It can be terribly invasive but somehow self seeds around my garden quite politely. I can pull it out easily if things get crowded.

    Hi Lee
    Thank you! I love daylilies and am glad I have a good variety. But I could always use a few more :)

    Hi Helene
    Thank you!
    Usually my dad grows Lisianthius for me from seed starting in February. This year he had a bit of a crop failure so he went to the local farmer's market and got small plants in pots for himself and me. They are annuals but are difficult to find in nurseries, so that's why he grows them from seed.

  5. All I can say is that I am green with envy, such a fantastic garden:~))

  6. Thanks Catherine but bet you could make it look even better because you are such a fabulous photographer! Too bad you live just a bit TOO far away…..:(

  7. You really have a variety of bloom Astrid. The Oakleaf Hydrangea is quite a showy plant at this time of year. Love the roses too since not many are disease free here.

  8. Hi Donna
    I have loved the Oakleaf hydrangea ever since I first got it. Such a beauty! And yes - lots of blooms despit no rain now for over a week. I have no hybrid tea roses and I think they have the most problems.
    Have a nice rest of the summer!

  9. Your garden is looking great despite the fact that it is in transition Astrid. Your Oakleaf Hydrangea at the front of the house is just lovely. That you have a fragrant hosta caught my attention. I don't think any of my hostas are fragrant.

  10. Hi Jennifer
    Yup - lovin that Oakleaf hydrangea.
    The fragrant hosta I have is Plantaginea - very plain green leaves, almost boring but then wow! with the fragrant flower.

  11. Everything looks beautiful! I love the apricot buds on your white rose. I've found that plants are pretty smart about where they self seed. I have some plants in my rain garden that are struggling but the self seeded blue eupatorium is happy and thriving. That made deciding what to fill their spot with this fall very easy. :o)

  12. Welcome Casa Mariposa
    Thank you! I see by your website that you are also a fan of Hens and Chicks. There are so many new and interesting plants I'm discovering - too bad I feel I need to purchase them all - there's hardly any space left :(
    Thanks for dropping by.

  13. You have some fabulous blooms; I especially love your hydrangeas. I hope you are having a great summer!
