Thursday, August 15, 2013

Garden Blogger's Bloom Day August 2013

Summer 2013 has certainly had every type of weather! Environment Canada promised that there would be no drought like last summer but we have gone a number of times without rain for 2 1/2 weeks. Every day a promise of thundershowers but very rarely did they happen. There was severe flooding in one thunderstorm (especially in Toronto) but not here in Burlington. Now we have had a really chilly snap (overnight temps of 13C) but a promise of high heat and humidity for the weekend. Maybe this is the "new normal".

Regardless, some flowers are still blooming in my garden. Many are at their peak and quite beautiful. Please take a look.

The Oakleaf hydrangea bush at the front door is full of pink blooms

The Lisianthus are blooming strong

The white phlox are open and very fragrant

The blackcurrant bushes are full of berries

The Sweet Williams are re-blooming 

Agastache foeniculum, commonly called anise hyssop, is a species of perennial plant in the mint family. Very Bee-friendly.

My balloon flower has had more blossoms than ever this year. 3 weeks and still blooming. 

Achillea 'Coronation Gold' is always bent over, reaching for the sun

Most of the hosta flowers are gone but the smaller blue hostas are still in flower

I'm not sure if this is Coreopsis 'Moonbeam' or 'Zagreb' but it's a dainty little pop of yellow

A few blossoms are left on the Rose of Sharon

The Explorer Rose 'John Cabot' rarely re-blooms but it's doing it now :)

Here's the star of the show: Black Eyed Susan (Rudbeckia 'Goldsturm')

And at the side of the house, the self-seeding Sweet Peas are all over the fence

Garden Blogger's Bloom Day is a Meme created by May Dreams Garden
Gardeners post images of what's blooming in their garden on the 15th day of every month. All are welcome to participate.

Also, please check out my recipe blog Astrid's Home - the latest post is Zucchini and Summer Squash Gratin with Parmesan and fresh Thyme


  1. What a star 'John Cabot'is, but I agree, your Black Eyed Susans really are the star of the show! Every time I visit your garden I find a few more plants I would like to have in mine - only problem is where to put them :-)
    Happy GBBD!

  2. I love seeing your Oakleaf Hydrangea every time. I think the Coreopis you have is 'Zagreb'. It looks just like mine and 'Moonbean' has smaller flowers and more threadlike foliage. Nice blooms in your garden!

  3. Hi Helene
    Thanks! And every time I read your blog, I chide myself for not keeping good records as to what the names of the plants are. You know exactly what you have and all the plants are exquisite.
    And you may not believe it, but I am actually running out room myself for new purchases :)

    Hi Lee
    I think you are right about Zagreb. That's the one you have and they look identical. And now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure my Moonbeam died out so I replaced it with Zagreb. Like I told Helene, I used to be a better records keeper.

  4. Happy GBBD, Astrid! I have the same white phlox, yours is lovely! You're right, the weather forecast is surprisingly incorrect. Now I do not see the further days, only for tomorrow. Even for 24 hours they can be wrong. I love Oakleaf hydrangea, have to plant it in my garden. What do you do with blackcurrant berries? Eat or cook something?

  5. Hi Nadezda
    I must admit we keep the blackcurrant bushes just for nostalgia sake: they are from my husband's garden from when he was a child. When my in-laws were still alive, they would pick the black currants and make jam. I miss them and I miss that home-made jam.

  6. I see. I forgot: your new header is pretty!

  7. Your garden is full of blooms but be very careful of that dainty coreopsis as it is a bit of a thug here in my garden. I do leave a bit every year.

  8. Thanks Nadezda! It was taken "up north" in what we call Cottage country. About 3 hours north of Toronto.

    Hi Layanee
    I haven't had the coreopsis spread much but will keep my eye on it. Thanks!

  9. Belated happy GBBD! I can't complain about the weather this summer. In comparison with last year we have had a good amount of rain. It is hot and humid right now but the nights are at least cool.
    There is lots still blooming in your garden Astrid. I always admire that Oakleaf hydrangea. I have a number of hydrangeas but not an Oakleaf.
