Saturday, April 26, 2014

Identifying Plants in the Garden

Spring has finally Sprung in Southern Ontario! It's been a looooong wait.

But now that stuff is popping out of the ground, do you know which plant is which?

Here are some hints:

Bearded Iris


Ladies Mantle (Alchemilla mollis)

Daylilies - Hemerocallis


Foxtail Lilies

Sedum 'Autumn Joy'

Bleeding Heart

Walk around outside - I'm sure "stuff" is popping up in your garden daily!!

Please be sure to check my food blog - the latest recipe posted is Pan-Seared Veal Chops with Rosemary.


  1. Hi Astrid. It is finally getting warmer here. I just bought some Lady's Mantle today at the nursery...always wanted some for the foliage. Nice post-Happy spring!

  2. There are many flowers popping in my garden as well Astrid. I guessed all yours except Foxtail Lilies - I have no them. All your plants look healthy despite of long waiting for spring!

  3. Hi Astrid, Our little valley always seems to be its own slightly delayed ecosystem. My peonies are still hidden and there is no sign of my Bleeding Hearts. The magnolia buds are a bit more open however, the grass is looking greener and there are crocus in flower. I am starting to feel hopeful that spring has arrived.
    P.S. Love the header photo.

  4. Hi Astrid, Our little valley always seems to be its own slightly delayed ecosystem. My peonies are still hidden and there is no sign of my Bleeding Hearts. The magnolia buds are a bit more open however, the grass is looking greener and there are crocus in flower. I am starting to feel hopeful that spring has arrived.
    P.S. Love the header photo.

  5. Hello Astrid, nice to hear spring has finally arrived, I hope it stays with you and you have lots of nice warm days! Over here in London, spring has been very long and drawn out, with rather cold days in both March and April, but at least it isn’t raining all the time !!
    Take care, Helene

  6. Hi Lee
    I adore the lime green colour of Ladies Mantle flowers and the way raindrops shine in the sun if caught in the centre of the leaves.

    Hi Nadezda
    Good for you! Still chilly here but plants are starting to wake up at last.

    Hi Jennifer
    Too bad your pocket is still pre-spring. Have faith! The plants will pop up soon!

    Hi Helene
    Remember that one year you had so much rain?? Glad it's evened out this year although I bet you'd like warmer temps.

  7. Oooh! I love this foxtail lilies with the barn in the background! That just creates a mood. Happy spring to you at last!

  8. Ha, what a fun post! I am terrible at figuring out what stuff is from their beginning sprouts, and I am always terrified that I am going to accidentally pull out a beloved plant while trying to weed! That's also one of my favorite excuses for not weeding as much as I should ;)

  9. Hi Deb
    Yes, these foxtail lilies were photographed while I was on a local garden tour. I do have some in my garden as well but not as nice as these. And I do not have a barn :)

    Hi Indie
    in addition to pulling out a plant that could be a weed, how about nurturing a weed, thinking it's a flower? Been there, done that as well.
