Friday, June 13, 2014

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day June 2014

I realize I am a few days early - Garden Bloggers Bloom Day is on Sunday - but I have a very busy weekend coming up so I thought I'd post early rather than late.

Well, it's a typical June after all in my garden. After months of snow and horrid cold, it got warmer and warmer and all of a sudden my garden is lush and green and loaded with colour. Yay!!

My peonies are blooming and look stunning.

The pale pink shrub rose is in full bloom

The dainty deep purple Siberian Iris has appeared in numerous places around the yard

I have several lovely yellow bearded iris that have fought off borer year after year

Ladies Mantle (Alchemilla mollis) is fresh with wide serrated leaves and bright chartreuse flowers

Yellow loosestrife (Lysimachia punctata) popped up out of nowhere!

Gleaming screaming RED POPPIES!!

The weigela bush suffered quite a bit of die back so I pruned it back harder than usual - is that why I am being treated to such a mass of fuchsia flowers???

The Himalayan cinquefoil (Potentilla atrosnaguinea) has only two scarlet blooms but at least it hasn't died out. It's been around ever since I started this garden 27 years ago…...

I am so happy that my spring garden bounced back from a harsh winter and can provide me and my gardening friends with such a lush, wonderful show now in mid-June.

Please check my food blog for a delicious tart Chocolate Apricot Torte.


  1. Oh, yes, your garden is colorful after such cold winter, Astrid. I am always glad to see new growth and buds when is getting warmer and warmer. Love your weigela, very nice color, it is thankful for a pruning.Your both irises are pretty especially the bright blue ones.
    Have a nice weekend!

  2. Oh, that’s a stunning colour for a peony! And I have just put Siberian irises on my wish list, nice to see them on your post today. And your poppies are really EYE POPPINNG, lovely! Hope you had a great week-end :-)

  3. Astrid, the color in your garden was worth waiting for! Those poppies are stunning, as are the peonies. Have a great week!

  4. Hi Nadezda
    Yes, I'm loving the colour in garden now. June is the best month!

    Thanks Sharon!

    Hi Helene
    Siberian Iris would go very nicely in your garden. It's a very compact plant.

    Hi Deb
    Poppies are wonderful, aren't they? they are so bright!!
