Friday, June 15, 2012

June 15th Garden Blogger's Bloom Day

Today is June 15th, Garden Blogger's Bloom Day!!
What's blooming in my garden today?

Yellow Iris

Perennial Geranium macrorrhizum 'Variegatum'

Perennial Bachelor Buttons - Centaurea montana

Climbing hydrangea

Siberian iris and allium moly

Climbing rose

Climbing rose

Climbing rose

Feverfew - Tanacetum parthenium (frantic self-seeder)

Serviceberry - Amelanchiar canadensis (the robins are making pigs of themselves over these!)

Coral bells - Heuchera brizoides x

Astilbe japonica 'Deutschland'

Shrub rose (buds are apricot - flower is white - so sweet!)

1996 Perennial of the Year - Penstemon digitalis 'Husker Red'

Clematis jackmanii

Shrub rose (that's grown 10' high this year!!)

Lysimachia punctata - Yellow Loosestrife

Lysimachia nummularia - Creeping Jenny 

Lady's Mantle - Alchemilla mollis (which is really more famous for how raindrops shine in the cupped leaves after a rain shower)

Climbing rose 'New Dawn'

Climbing rose 'Blaze'

Perennial geranium sanguineum (that I got from a dear friend)

The very very VERY last of the peonies

This is kind of cheating because the Oakleaf Hydrangea is barely beginning to bloom :)

Garden Blogger's Bloom Day is a Meme created by May Dreams Gardens
Gardeners post images of what's blooming in their garden on the 15th day of every month. All are welcome to participate.


  1. AStrid, clematis jackmani is wonderful!
    I love your shrubs roses, nice color.

  2. What a great collection of flowers! Loved the Clematis jackmanii, and the roses, well I love roses, any type of roses :-)

  3. We have many of the same blooms this June. Love them all. Happy Bloom Day.

  4. Hi Astrid, I noticed a robin yesterday snacking in my Service Berry and so I think the pretty berries will be short lived. You have a nice range of plants and roses in flower. The clematis are all lovely too. I have a climbing hydrangea too, but mine rarely graces me with flowers. They are very slow growers it seems. Have a great weekend!

  5. Hi Nadezda!
    I plan on buying some more exotic clematis, but you're right! You can't beat good old jackmanii when it's in bloom!
    Thanks for your comment.

    Hello Helene
    I'm beginning to fall harder in love with roses lately! They certainly are beautiful and such a joy to photograph. Hopefully you'll get some sunshine in London soon - fingers crossed!

    Hello Layanee
    Thanks for your comment! Yes, I looked at your blog and we do have many of the same plants. Always interesting to see how and where someone else has planted the same thing. Happy gardening!

    Hi Jennifer
    I've had that climbing hydrangea for over 20 years and it's a consistent yearly bloomer but it did take a while. Hang in there - yours will bloom soon! I am headed out to give my annuals a haircut and to fertilize. I'd better get moving - they promise some very hot humid weather over the next few days!

  6. Lots of beautiful blooms that would never cope with the humidity here. How wonderful to be able to enjoy them through GBBD and your blog.

  7. Welcome Marisa! I'm glad you enjoyed my GBBD post. I'm glad Carol "invented" the meme because we get to meet so many other gardeners "virtually". I plan to take a very close look at your blog soon but already enjoyed what I saw. My son spent a good deal of time in Brisbane after University - working both at a restaurant/coffee shop and a Thai restaurant. He loved it there. Thanks for your comment.

  8. Welcome Jeannine! Thanks for the compliment. It's easy to get good pictures at this time of year - everything is blooming so beautifully. I looked at your blog as well - stunning! Thanks for visiting mine.

  9. Its too blooming cold in my garden at the moment Astrid and not nearly the amount of fabulous plants which you have.

  10. Hello Alistair
    Sorry to hear it's so cold in Aberdeen. It's almost too hot in Canada! The extremes are never good. I'm sure something Wonderful will bloom in your garden soon - it always does!!

  11. Hello Astrid, I'm back again!
    I just wanted to nominate you for the ‘One Lovely Blog Award’, your blog is so lovely and truly deserve it. Congratulation! You can find the rules here:
    Take care :-)
