Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Colour in the garden

Most gardeners do not consider themselves artists. But with a little help from Mother Nature, they certainly are artists! Just look at the colours that occur in the garden either by (happy!) chance or by plan.

Above is Artemesia 'Silver King' with the red climbing rose 'Blaze'. Pale gray is a terrific neutral colour  to have in a perennial bed - it enhances the colours right next to it and makes them much brighter.

Here Silver King is paired with the pale pink polyantha rose 'The Fairy'

The gray of Lamb's Ears (Stachys byzantina) brings up the multi-coloured pinks of Sweet William (Dianthus barbatus)

Some gardeners prefer soft pastels but hot colours like red and yellow together make a bold statement. Here is red Maltese Cross (Lychnis chalcedonica) beside Yellow Loosestrife (Lysimachia punctata)

On the other side of the garden, Maltese Cross stands out well with yellow Sneezeweed (Helenium autumnale)

When these deep purple petunias fill out over the summer, they will be a perfect dark spot between the different hostas surrounding them

On a walk through the garden last evening, I noticed an unexpected shot of hot pink peeking out through the pussywillow bushes

 It was the clematis I had purposely planted in there to wind its way through the branches but (typical me) had forgotten about it until now when it bloomed :)

Annuals play a very important role in the garden - the intensity of their colours are a joy to behold. For example a very deep dark purple petunia with white and blue Lobelia.

Colour echoes blend well in a garden: the spotty pink in the Caladium is echoed in the much deeper pink of the Rex Begonia

Even NEON colours have their place: hot pink Wave Petunia is paired with lime green Potato Vine.


  1. Hi, Astrid, you see the mother nature very well! I love rose polyanthus Fairy, I have it about 5 years. It's very hardy and nice rose with small pink buds.

  2. Hello Nadezda
    The Fairy is one of my all-time favourites. It blooms right through till autumn frost. Thx for your comment!

  3. Hi Astrid, Some very nice color combinations! I like the unexpected mix of hot pink and lime green. I also like the bright sky-blue lobellia and the purple of the petunia. Have a great weekend! Hopefully we get some much needed rain tomorrow!

  4. Hi Jennifer
    Thanks for stopping by the blog.
    Don't you wish we could get some of the rain the UK got early in the season?
    Just got back from vacation and my garden is so dried out.
    It's always interesting how Mother Nature gets away with colour combos that humans would shy away from! Am headed out now to prune and water….Have a nice weekend!

  5. Hi Astird. Girl you have some beautiful blooms in your garden in this posting. I love your Sweet Williams and Maltese Cross. I have got to add it to my garden I love those red blooms. The Fairy roses are beautiful. Have a lovely weekend.

  6. Mother Nature is the best artist, and she helps guide what we mere humans do in our garden spaces. The problem we have though, is just limiting our choices. She presents such a varied and beautiful palette.

  7. Hi Lona
    Thanks for the compliments! I grew new Sweet Williams from seed this year but will have to wait until next year to see what they look like. I think everyone loves the Fairy Rose, don't you? What's not to love?

    Hi Donna
    I totally agree with you! Waaaay too much choice out there and only so much space in the garden….sigh…..

  8. Hi Astrid, I said you about my Fairy, and it started blooming. I'm glad.
