Monday, October 14, 2013

And the Award goes to…...

….this summer's super workhorse of an annual: BADA BOOM BRONZE LEAF SCARLET BEGONIA!!

I bought 2 flats of this vivid red fibrous begonia and planted it everywhere: in garden beds, in containers and at the cemetery. We had a funny summer weather-wise. It was rainy at first and then became extremely hot and humid with no rain for weeks on end.

Bada Boom did well in shade as well as sun. It carried on with little water and still put on a stunning show.

It increased about 3x in size from the original planting and never needed deadheading.

Bada Boom looked sharp and healthy next to Boxwood and Dusty Miller in the cemetery, where plants have to fend for themselves. Sure we go and water when we can, but mostly the plants are on their own.

This begonia performed very well in containers and provided a sharp pop of colour among long grasses.

I think I will save myself a lot of trouble next spring and buy 4-5 flats of this wonderful little annual and plant it everywhere :)

Please check my food blog for the Thanksgiving menu that I served yesterday.


  1. Agree-that Begonia is showing off its color throughout the garden-good pick!

  2. Wow, what an electric red colour! And what a name for a plant!! I love dark coloured leaves and red flowers, this begonia is right up me street :-) I usually have begonias but this year I chose annual geraniums instead, a good choice it turned out, but I missed having begonias so next year I will have both!

  3. Hi Lee
    I always thought of begonias as boring but this one is such a trooper, I have totally changed my mind!

    Hi Helene
    I often go with geraniums as well but they tend to go dormant in extreme heat. This begonia didn't so I will stick with it.

  4. I normally use this plant in pots in the front garden. This year I was lazy and never filled the pots. That was a mistake - I miss my begonias. Very happy to see yours.

  5. Beautiful begonia. Your begonia look so stunning. I love it. Inspiring and interesting blog. Thank you for sharing. I invite you to visit my blog.
    Have a nice day.

  6. Hi Patty
    Red begonias would have looked outstanding at the front of your house. Next year….

    Welcome Endah! Thanks for having a look at my blog all the way from Indonesia.

  7. I agree, Astrid, this begonia 'ever-blooming' deserves your award. I love it as well and plant it everywhere, it looks as red bright spots in shady places and in open beds or containers. Congrats, begonia!

  8. Hope you had a nice thanksgiving! I bought the pink and white forms of the same begonia, and like you, I am really pleased with how they performed. I'll be buying flats of them next year as well.

  9. Hi Nadezda
    It's a beauty, isn't it? Glad your Northern Garden can enjoy it as well.

    Hi Jennifer
    We had a small quiet Thanksgiving, thx. Nice dinner and a viewing of our Sicily photos. Very relaxed.
    I was really please with this little begonia this year. Will definitely repeat big swatches of it next season.

  10. Your Bada boom is well named! It certainly gave your garden lots of color, even when the weather wasn't perfect.
