Saturday, October 5, 2013

Early Signs of Autumn

Summer flowers exude a deep, serene beauty in the humid heat but autumn brings about a different atmoshere: crisp evening and morning temperatures announce that plants are slowly dying but aren't they still so gorgeous in their decline?

Ha! The squirrels in my neighbourhood are getting fat from the walnuts! Remnants of shells are everywhere.

Please check out my food blog  : the latest post is how to make a homemade granola topping.


  1. Beautiful photos, autumn is a great time for lovely shots. Your autumn has come further than here in London, so sign of yellow trees yet, except for my Bonsais, but that’s a bit different as they are in pots.

  2. What a wonderful time of year, but with my own special love of fading roses I love that photo laden with rain drops....beautiful:~))

  3. Hello Helene
    I'm beginning to think that London is almost Mediterranean climate-wise! You are so lucky to have warm temps for as long as you do (and as early as you do). Loved your bonsai.

    Hello Catherine
    Thank you very much! Until I threw the photos onto the bigger screen of the computer, did I notice that there was a grasshopper sitting on the faded rose :)

  4. Lots of red and pink in your fading garden, how lovely that is. What is that delicate bloom with the super fine needles?

  5. Hi Patty
    It's a close-up of Pennisetum grass plume!
    They promise sunny weather for the rest of this week . Fall Clean Up time coming up!!

  6. Your photos are great! I do love autumn for its much welcome cooler temperatures and for all its fabulous colors. Spring just barely edges it out as my favorite season.

    Astrid, thanks for asking about my recovery on your last comment. It is very slow. I unfortunately had a complication from a nerve block given to manage postoperative pain and this resulted in nerve damage that affected my leg. I should make a full recovery, but nerves heal very slowly, and it may take 6 months to a year or longer. Meanwhile, I am able to get about with a cane. I have physical therapy twice a week, and my garden is also great therapy. I was so happy to be able to trim a few shrubs yesterday!

  7. Astrid, wonderful pictures! Especially the first one, I called it "Crying rose". Also I love the red leaves of Japanese maple and red bush. I agree, fall is picturesque season.
    Have a nice week!

  8. Hi Deb
    I am with you - Spring and Fall are the BEST! Sorry to hear that the hip operation is still having some repercussions. They cut the nerves when they do knee replacements as well and both my knees still have numb spots. But the good news is that there is no pain in either knee and hopefully that will be your state of affairs soon.

    Hi Nadezda
    I'm starting to like that "Crying Rose" picture a lot too! I may even include it in someone's calendar that I give as Christmas gifts.

  9. The early signs of Autumn have been captured beautifully Astrid. Here in Aberdeen we are just about at the same stage.

  10. Hello Alistair
    We have had a sunny, (very) mild week so many of the trees are gently turning red, maroon and yellow. Gorgeous! I love autumn.

  11. Such lovely autumn colors in your garden. You have captured the changing seasons well.

  12. Such lovely autumn colors in your garden. You have captured the changing seasons well.

  13. Hi Lee
    Thanks! Yes, autumn is a perfect opportunity for amateur photographers like me to practice taking pictures. Gorgeous!
