Saturday, December 21, 2013

Have yourselves a MACRO little Christmas!

Christmas at our house is truly family time. So many wonderful friends and relatives to visit with especially the little people and the faraway ones, who are all able to gather now in late December,
to enjoy each others' company.

To all my Blogger Friends and all my readers - have a wonderful Holiday Season and a happy, healthy 2014!!
Hope you enjoy these photos shot with my "up close" lens.

Please check my food blog - the latest post is for a dense delicious 3-layer chocolate cake!


  1. Macro photography is so fun, loved your photos. Hope you and your family have a lovely Christmas, take care, Helene.

  2. Astrid, I always love to read your posts and your macro photos, your lenses are great. The nutcracker looks rigorously and Santa is very kind!
    Merry Christmas and Happy and peaceful New Year!

  3. Your macros are wonderful Astrid! Merry Christmas to you and enjoy time with your loved ones. Best wishes always!

  4. Hello Helene
    Thanks for the Christmas wishes! Same to you, your son and your kitty cat.

    Hi Nadezda
    Thanks so much, Nadezda. I really enjoy your blog as well. Hope you and yours have a lovely Christmas as well.

    Hi Lee
    Thanks! Merry Christmas and have a Happy Gardening New Year!

  5. Great shots! I especially liked the up close view of the nutcracker's face. I hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas, and I wish you the best in 2014. Happy gardening!

  6. Hi Deb
    We DID have a wonderful Christmas thanks!
    And now for a quieter few winter months. Looking forward to them.
    Best wishes to you and yours.
