Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2013 - The Year of the Garden Tour(s)

Happy New Year, everyone!! I wish you happiness, health and good gardening in 2014!!

Last year my goal was to prepare my garden for 2 separate garden tours: one for the Burlington Horticultural Society and the other one was part of a group of local gardens open to the public.

For at least 4-5 hours on any non-rainy day in April, May and June, I was out there: digging, splitting, pruning,  edging, watering, fertilizing and mulching! It was really tough, hard work but I was so pleased with how the garden looked afterwards! I met wonderful fellow gardeners on the tours and learned extra tips and tricks as we chatted.

Please take a walk through my front and back garden as it looked last June.

So once again, dear readers, I hope you have a fun, healthy, happy 2014! I do so enjoy hearing your comments and reading your blogs.

Speaking of blogs, please check my food blog - the latest post is a recipe for coffee meringues.

(And guess what, guys? Only 80 days till Spring :)


  1. Only 80 days until spring...we can do it! It is nice seeing your gardens in summer mode-so inviting! Happy New Year!

  2. Hi Lee
    Yup - 80 "short" days to plan, update and record results of this past year's successes and shortcomings.
    Happy New Year!

  3. Oh, is really the spring so soon? All right, the day becomes longer, I saw today is 6 minutes longer than a week ago.Wonderful garden you have, Astrid! I love as you know the nice corner with a girl feeding birds (forgot her name, sorry!)
    Happy New Year to you!

  4. Yes - Spring is just around the corner :) Or at least we can dream about it.
    Happy New Year to you too, Nadezda!

  5. It is so darned cold today that spring seems lightyears in the future! What a ton of work you must have done to get ready to put the garden of tour. It looks terrific! All the best for 2014 Astrid!

  6. Happy New Year, Jennifer!
    Dreaming about greenery and spring is the only way I can handle this intense cold and snow!! Brrrrr….
    Let's think positive and let's think green.

  7. Beautiful tour of your garden Astrid! It is so warm and comforting to see so much GREEN (it's white and snowy outside my window now...). May spring come soon to us all, and Happy New Year!

  8. Lovely photos, it all seems such a long time ago now, and June will be here again before we know it!
    Here’s to a great 2014 gardening year!

  9. Hello Spurge
    It's ice and snow here too - that's why i wanted to remind myself how nice summertime is :)
    Happy New Year!

    Hello Helene
    Thank you! And yes - good things will come to those who wait (and wait and wait….:)

  10. You worked hard to achieve the great look of the garden. It showed off really well for my visit, and it looks great in your pics.

  11. Happy New Year, Patty! Thanks for the compliment! What was nice was to be able to sit back and enjoy it after all that hard work…and I did!
    Happy gardening in 2014.

  12. Thoroughly enjoyed the Summer pictures of your garden Astrid. A real treat for your visitors.

  13. So beautiful! I am sure those who toured your garden were truly inspired! All of your hard work reaps much reward. I would love to sit on your back porch, look over your pool and garden, and chat with you about gardening!

  14. Hello Alistair
    Glad you enjoyed the photos. They are such a wonderful contrast to the white outside the window now. I can't even see the pool!

    Hi Deb
    Would love to have you here. Contact me if you're ever coming this way. I, in turn, would love a stroll with you through your gorgeous woodland garden.
    OK - back to reality - it's indoor jobs today. Don't wanna go out it's -20C (-4F)…brrrrrr…
