Friday, January 31, 2014

Yellow in the Garden

Gardens need sunshine and what better colour symbolizes the sun than yellow? But yellow, just like the sun, can be intense. Yellow in the garden is not for everyone. But it sure is for me.

Yellow can be found in flower petals, leaves, foliage and branches. Yellow can be butter soft and pale or deep and powerful. If you are thinking of adding yellow to the garden, you should probably keep in mind the same rules we apply to red: shots of colour only or wide swatches in the distance.

The first yellow to appear in my garden will be blooming forsythia bushes. They are at the far end of my property and definitely signal that Spring has arrived. In my area of Southern Ontario, that's usually end of April.

Spring bulbs are next - many different types from the tiny Tete-a-tete to King Alfred to Tahiti.

Small bulbs appear next including Allium moly, which look super under a crown of deep blue Siberian Iris.

I still have a few surviving yellow Bearded Iris - those that haven't been destroyed by borer.

Helenium appear midsummer like yellow daisies.

Yellow roses (and ones that hint of apricot) are such an elegant change to red and pink.

Here's a ruffly yellow begonia - quite unique!

Some of the new succulents I bought last summer had Kalanchoe-type yellow blooms.

Bright yellow mums are glorious in September when so much else has faded.

Black-eyed Susans also signal that fall is coming. And then the yellows of autumn appear in full glory!

Please check out my food blog - the latest post is Grilled Italian Sausage and Zucchini with Pasta.


  1. Nice series Astrid. You are hitting all the primary colors. I did a post a while back on companion colors and the color wheel but I like the way you are focusing on each individual color one at a time. There a lot of colors for you to keep going!!!

  2. Hi Lee
    Thanks! Even though the colours are always mixed in the garden, it's fun to separate them out and analyze them a bit. Loved your former posts.

  3. I love yellow in the garden, so cheerful! And daffodils are one of my favorite flowers. I don't think spring would be the same without all those sunny yellow flowers! This year I am doing a pastel garden, and it will be hard for me to dial my yellow down and select only muted yellows that will go better.

  4. You brought some bright sunshine into my rainy eve! At first I mistook your ruffly begonia for a rose! I always love the golden colors of autumn, but nothing makes me happier than to see the forsythias of spring beginning to bloom. In the right amounts, I love yellow in the garden.

  5. Hi Indie
    A pastel garden in your new home will be beautiful! The only soft little yellow flower that might not clash is Coreopsis verticillata 'Moonbeam". Maybe you can find a little spot for it. I used to add it a lot for clients in my Designer days.

    Hi Deb
    Better rain than snow! Your last post showed the snow that fell in your area - yikes!! Glad you enjoyed the yellow. And yes - I had that flower grouped in with the roses too - until I had a close look and saw the rex begonia stems!! Definitely not a rose!

  6. Not everyone likes yellow in the garden, but I have always been a fan. As in your garden, yellow forsythia and daffodils signal the arrival of spring. Your yellow roses are lovely Astrid! I especially like yellow roses that have that slight blush of peach.

  7. Have been enjoying the blue, red and now yellow series. I am starting to notice more pale yellow choices like in irises and trollius.

  8. I love yellow color too, Astrid! It's sunny color in the garden particularly in spring after a long white winter. The forsythia in your garden is touching, lovely. I've seen it in Prague and then bought for my garden. It's pity that forsythia doesn't bloom well here because of a very short spring. Your yellow garden is nice!

  9. Hi Jennifer
    I have a shrub rose that is apricot before it turns to white. If I ever recorded names of things, I could tell you what it is!

    Hi Patty
    Thanks! I remember planting trollius years ago but it died out. I should try it again.

    Hi Nadezda
    Thank you! A shame that forsythia doesn't bloom for you - fir us it truly signals that Spring has arrived!

  10. Ah, a great sight on a rainy day, I smiled through the whole post!
    I am not a ‘yellow’ person, but I like certain yellow flowers. I can’t be without my daffodils and my yellow rose ‘Freedom’ has pride of place in my garden. Your Black-eyed Susan are lovely, I haven’t had them before, I might try to squeeze them in – somewhere!
