Tuesday, February 11, 2014

And now, a word from our sponsors…..

There will be 6 more weeks of winter.


For solace and warmth, please check my food blog - the latest post is Sweet Potato Soup.


  1. My idealized winter fairy land! From my vantage point, inconvenience and freezing cold seem small price to pay for such beauty. But then, I don't have to deal with it!

  2. Thanks Lee! Might as well photograph reality and leave the Spring dreaming till later.

    Ha ha Deb! I'd invite you for a visit but know that you would not really enjoy the cold. On the other hand, you may not have to travel far - I hear there's an ice storm headed your way this weekend :( :( Hope it doesn't ruin any of your pretty plants.

  3. Nooooooo!!!! Six more weeks, say it ain't so!! Okay, so I might be in a little bit of denial, especially after moving from the south. The snow is beautiful, though, isn't it? If only we could somehow get warm snow..

  4. You caught winter at its best Astrid! The snow on my street is brown and ugly now. Six more weeks of this Arctic cold seems like a hard cross to bare. I would be happy enough if it even warmed up just a little bit.

  5. As a Southerner, you must really be feeling the cold Indie. I do love the idea of warm snow - maybe technology will get that right some day in the future :)

    Hi Jennifer
    6 weeks is what Wiarton Willy said and sometimes he's right. Warmer is good - I could even stand the cold if at least the streets and highways were dry enough to drive on.

  6. Lovely photos Astrid, but I am so gweeks time, although winter never really arrived, still no frost! Tonight we are having yet another severe storm, with gust 60-70 mph, I have just been out in the garden and put all my pots on the ground and hope they will be OK!

  7. Hi Helene
    I've been reading in the news about your storms and winds - yikes! Keep all your plants safe - they are too lovely to lose.
