Monday, February 17, 2014

Pink in the Garden

Sweet Pea

Pink is a very popular colour to use in the garden: some like soft shell pinks, others like bold fuchsias and magentas but almost everyone incorporates some pink into their flower beds.

Pink flowers and blooms are very easy to find. In fact, it's so abundant some may consider it common but most just love it.

Back in the 90's when I did garden design as a hobby business, clients, who had brown/camel brick homes would still cry and whine for me to incorporate pink into the design even their homes would have more complimented by yellow, red and orange shades. The pink would (so) clash but they insisted!

Here are some lovely plants that bloom PINK:

Deep pink Hyacinths will appear in my garden in April.

The magnolia tree flowers bloom with a deeper pink throat and then open to pale pink

A bold spiky fuchsia tulip will appear in May

The crabapple tree in the front yard provides gorgeous cherry pink blossoms and a gorgeous fragrance

What could be more lovely than a hedge of stunningly beautiful pink rhododendrons!

Dark pink peonies surround my deck in June

A deep pink climbing rose

Weigela is such a dark pink, it's almost red

My newly purchased Astilbe chinensis bloomed a deep pink inside with pale pink edging. It looked great near the Sweet William , which is many shades of pink.

Cheddar pinks really add a sharp pop of colour!

Please check my food blog - my latest post is a recipe for Cheese Fondue.


  1. AStrid, I love the clematis banner ! Pink is a great colour. I love it -outdoors. I am thinking of planting a crabapple this year. Which one do you have? How well do you like it?

  2. Oh pink is such a lovely color in the garden. Peony are my favorite! You are getting me so ready for spring!

  3. Hi Patty
    Thanks! I have Malus x moerlandsii 'Profusion'. It's a lovely tree for about 1 1/2 weeks a year. Just like a magnolia - not a lot of bang for your buck but gorgeous for that short time. Wouldn't some of the gorgeous cherry trees do well in your sandy soil?

    Hi Lee
    My brain is so ready for Spring (even just some warm weather!) but it just keeps on snowing….:(

  4. Astrid, stunning rhododendrons! What the color! Love your pink flowers, spring comes soon, we all are waiting for it!

  5. Hi Nadezda
    I photographed the rhodos while on a garden tour last summer. Stunning, aren't they? Have tried to grow them at my house but it's too windy and cold. I lost about 3 before I gave up.

  6. Lots of great pinks Astrid. I wish my rhododendron was half so lovely! It is funny: red is one of my favourite colors, but in the garden I prefer pink to red. It is easier to work with for one and works well into planting combinations.

  7. Astrid, it is hard to avoid pink if you like colour in your garden. I have come across a few bloggers who just hate it. I never knew much about colour coordination, my wife pointed out how very wrong it was when I planted bright orange Crown Imperials in front of a pink Rhododendron which bloomed at the same time.

  8. There are so many beautiful pink flowers! What gorgeous sweet peas! With my last house being red, I didn't have very many pink flowers for fear of clashing, and they were all carefully relegated to the backyard. With my new house, though, pastel colors are going in the front. There will now be a lot of pink!

  9. Hi Jennifer
    I am seriously thinking of combining red and pink begonias this summer. That will really be a colour punch, eh?

    Hello Alistair
    Nice to hear from you. Only in nature can you get away with combining pink and orange…well, on second thought, maybe Myra had a point….:)

    Hi Indie
    that is the neat thing about moving - you have new opportunities for gardening experiments! I look fwd to seeing yours.

  10. Thanks for some lovely photos Astrid! I can’t say pink is any favourite colour of mine, but for some reason I have more pink flowers in my garden than any other colour. Those rhododendrons were impressive, wish I had space to replicate a hedge like that!
