Thursday, February 27, 2014

White in the Garden

Fragrant Viburnum 'Burkwoodii'

White is symbolic of innocence, perfection, honesty and lightness. It is associated with the Good and The Beginning.

White brings out the true colour of those beside it.

Lots of white has a cooling, calming effect but the opposite is also true: it can cause a glare in hot, sunny climates.

Silver and silvery blue make it shine.

White brightens shady spots and adds a touch of elegance to areas of the garden.

White narcissus appear in early spring.

Cornus kousa or Chinese Dogwood puts on a dainty white display in the spring.

By mid-summer, the Oakleaf Hydrangea is in bloom

Pom-pom flowers adorn the Cranberry Bush (Viburnum Opulus)

Virburnum 'Mariesii' has a more delicate flower and grows on horizontal branches.

White lilies stand out in the garden with their knock-out colour and fragrance

Fragrant white phlox finish out the season.

What are your favourite WHITE flowers and blooms?

Please check out my food blog - the latest post is Crabcakes with ginger and lime.


  1. When darkness falls in the summery garden the white flowers are seen as the small lamps --they reflect the light! Love your Oakleaf Hydrangea, it's pity it doesn't grow in my garden! Of the white flowers I grow white phlox and viburnum. And in the evening these phlox are beautiful, Astrid!

  2. I so agree about white. I have it mixed in with other colors and it really does make all colors be their best. Thanks for the pointers. Jack

  3. Great representation of the white flowers in the garden Astrid. I would have to say my favorite white blooms are Hydrangea Pee Gee and Tardivia, Viburnum and Cassablanca Lily. The beginning of your post sounds like "Language of Flowers"...great read. You would enjoy if you haven't already done so!

  4. Viburnum 'Burkwoodii' is one of my favorites! You have shown a wonderful selection of whites. I love them in my woodland garden, where they fit in so well and provide needed brightness. In the sun I like white flowers less well. They are very difficult to photograph there!

  5. My clearest whites are hydrangeas, and peonies, and David phlox of course. I love the small but multiple blossoms of guara, and pearly everlasting and bowman's root.

  6. I love white flowers! I have actually made a whole part of a bed into a white flower garden, and this summer will be the first time I actually get to see it properly in flower. My favourite white flowers are white, oriental lilies, like ‘Casablanca’ and Lilium regale. And I have also bought a couple of white oriental poppies that will flower for the first time, can’t wait to see them. I have Viola sororia 'Albiflora', Dicentra formosa 'Aurora' and Hemerocallis ‘Nanuq’ in my white flowerbed too – and a white Japanese anemone.
    Like you, I like white viburnums and hydrangeas and I have several.

  7. Take my eye off this blog for 10 minutes and I have 6 comments! Wow - thanks!!

    Hi Nadezda
    What a wonderful way to phrase it - white flowers as small lamps. They really do light up in the evening.

    Hi Jack
    White is lovely in itself but it brings forth deeper colours from its neighbours. Pretty cool, eh?

    Hi Lee
    I will look up some of the ones you mention and add them. Thx!

    Hi Deb
    Isn't the vanilla fragrance of 'Burkwoodii' divine???? And yes, in photography, white is a bleach-out in the sun.

    Hi Patty
    I am unfamiliar with the last 3 you mentioned so I am intrigued! I will look them up and perhaps add them.

    Hi Helene
    I very much look fwd to seeing the new White Garden. You also have great suggestions - will check them out.

    Thanks again everybody!

  8. Nice white post Astrid! White always looks so fresh doesn't it? I am particularly fond of white bleeding hearts. I also adore any type of hydrangea and wish I had more of them.

  9. Astrid, at one time with me it was all about bright and brassy. White has definitely grown on me, well nearly everything Myra likes rubs off on me. I like your Cornus kousa best of all and although it didn't thrive in Aberdeen it may well do better where we are now.

  10. Hi Jennifer
    Fresh is a good way to describe white in the garden. And yes, after seeing so many of the really interesting types of hydrangea, I am going shopping in the Spring!

    Hi Alistair
    I love loud cheerful colours too. Glad that white makes them stand out even more.
